Video Credits: Vitibot (France), Abelio (France), Tevel (Israel), FarmBot (USA), Energid (USA), Naïo Technologies (France), Inaho, Inc. (Japan), Case UH (USA), Carbon Robotics (USA), Small Robot Company (UK), Burro (USA).
Artificial Intelligence has been creating value and optimisation of agricultural practices around the world, offering solutions that address the specific localized problems of crops and animal farming across all economic regions, from large exploitations of land to arable acres managed by small farming co-operatives. This portal offers access to AI-driven practices across continents and to the AI solutions providers that are helping farmers yield better from their crops and look after their livestock with sustainable and humane practices, all thanks to the incredible powers of artificial intelligence in minimizing efforts, optimizing practices by reducing errors and providing access to crucial data.
The agriculture sector deals with issues that affect humankind’s survival. A top priority is the optimization of natural resources such as water, and the preservation of arable land, which is crucial to sustainable practices. There is also undeniable evidence of the direct connection between the destiny of Nature and the animal kingdoms and our own survival. Agriculture today is not just about “feeding” the human race, but about managing Earth’s resources for an economic prosperity based on sustainable practices where artificial intelligence will help us achieve and deliver to the world.
Digital technologies and AI tools have transformed rural communities to gain better quality of life and become more prosperous. At government level, the AgriTech sector is seen as the path to enable science-based policies and the re-population with technology workers of rural areas suffering from negative net migration.
The GPAI AI in Agriculture portal showcases the two main challenges that affect agriculture in the 21st century:
(1)the need to standardise AI practices deployed within the sector;
(2)the need to improve current business models, respond to market competitive dynamics, and address consumer expectations in the human food supply.